Permanent appointment Rinske Jurgens

The Board of Supervisors of the Shoe Quarter announces the appointment of Rinske Jurgens as director effective 1 June 2024 to permanently appoint Rinske Jurgens as chief executive officer. Jurgens, who has been associated with the has been associated with the Shoe Quarter will continue her work from a permanent appointment.

Rinske Jurgens (b. 1970) has a long track record in the museum sector. She worked at the Historical Museum Den Briel, Museum for Communication in The Hague, later at the Maritime Museum in Rotterdam and then as Head of Project Office of the National Museums of World Cultures. Her most recent experiences include the Textile Museum and the project management of the redesign of the entrance of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. She is also a member of the jury for the Dutch Design Awards.

Geertje Pruijsers, chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Shoe Quarter, is pleased with the final appointment of Rinske Jurgens as director-director: "With her appointment we welcome an experienced and driven director with a valuable network and a vision that gives the organization strength and direction. We are impressed with the results Rinske has achieved since taking office. She has clearly positionedthe Shoe Quarter , leading to increasing visitor numbers and sustainable
partnerships with industry partners and education. Her efforts have ledto a working visit by Her Majesty Queen Máxima, enrichment of the
exhibition program and a successful presentation during Dutch Design Week. With the recent nomination for the European Museum of the Year Award, the Shoe Quarterhas received international recognition for its innovative approach, educational impact and social commitment. This strengthens our confidence in the further professional development of the Shoe Quarter. We wish Rinske every success and pleasure in her new role within our organization."

Rinske Jurgens on her new position: "The Shoe Quarter has enormous potential. Here we create a unique museum experience for a growing public, offer space for education and crafts, and encourage innovation and experimentation in the Shoe Lab. We do not do this alone, but in close cooperation with educational institutions and companies. To keep doing all this, it is important that
the Shoe Quarter is sustainable into the future. Sustainable organizationally and financially, so that we continue to grow and achieve great results. I am enormously looking forward to working withthe team, volunteers and industry partners to continue building the future of the Shoe Quarterstep by step ."

Celebration of the 70th Anniversary This year the Shoe Quarter is celebrating its 70th anniversary. This will be celebrated this summer with a festive program of activities for visitors. Visitors can have their feet scanned or polish their shoes at the Take Care Café. Moreover, in July and August you will receive free entrance if you turn 70 this year and were born in Waalwijk.

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